Source code for sandglass.models.timemodel

from django.core.validators import MaxValueValidator, MinValueValidator
from django.db import models
from django.utils.dates import WEEKDAYS_REV, WEEKDAYS
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from django_extensions.db.models import TimeStampedModel

def add_times_by_weekday_fields(model, weekday):
    """Add fields for start and end time by week day.

    items = [("start", "from"), ("start", "to"),
             ("end", "from"), ("end", "to")]
    for (start_end, from_to) in items:
        # format: day_{start|end}_{from|to}_{weekday}
        field_name = "day_{0}_{1}_{2}".format(start_end, from_to, weekday)
        context = {
            "startend": _(u"Start") if start_end == "start" else _(u"End"),
            "fromto": _(u"earliest") if from_to == "from" else _(u"latest"),
            "weekday": weekday,
        # init field parameters
        verbose_name = _(u"{startend} time for {weekday} ({fromto})")
        verbose_name = verbose_name.format(**context)
        help_text = _(u"{startend} any {weekday} at {fromto} "
                      u"at the given time.")
        help_text = help_text.format(**context)
        # create and add field
        field = models.TimeField(
            verbose_name=verbose_name, blank=True, null=True,
        model.add_to_class(field_name, field)

def add_dynamic_fields_for_weekdays(model):
    """Add fields dynamically for every weekday.

    for (weekday, idx) in WEEKDAYS_REV.items():
        # add field for daily hours by week day
        field_name = 'daily_hours_{0}'.format(weekday)
        verbose_name = _(u"daily hours ({weekday})")
        verbose_name = verbose_name.format(weekday=WEEKDAYS[idx])
        help_text = _(u"Usual length of a {weekday} at work.")
        help_text = help_text.format(weekday=WEEKDAYS[idx])
        field = models.DecimalField(
            verbose_name=verbose_name, blank=True, null=True,
            max_digits=4, decimal_places=2, help_text=help_text,
            validators=[MinValueValidator(0), MaxValueValidator(24)])
        model.add_to_class(field_name, field)
        # add fields related to time margins
        add_times_by_weekday_fields(model, weekday)

    (TIMESHEET_INTERVAL_WEEKLY, _(u"weekly")),
    (TIMESHEET_INTERVAL_BIWEEKLY, _(u"bi-weekly")),
    (TIMESHEET_INTERVAL_MONTHLY, _(u"monthly")),
    (TIMESHEET_INTERVAL_QUARTERYEARLY, _(u"quarter-yearly")),
    (TIMESHEET_INTERVAL_HALFYEARLY, _(u"half-yearly")),
    (TIMESHEET_INTERVAL_YEARLY, _(u"yearly")),

[docs]class TimeModel(TimeStampedModel): """Set of "rules" for employee working hours. """ workdays_per_week = models.SmallIntegerField( verbose_name=_(u"workdays per week"), default=5, blank=True, null=True, validators=[MinValueValidator(0), MaxValueValidator(7)], help_text=_(u"Number of workdays in a usual work-week.")) daily_hours = models.DecimalField( verbose_name=_(u"daily hours"), blank=True, null=True, max_digits=4, decimal_places=2, validators=[MinValueValidator(0), MaxValueValidator(24)], help_text=_(u"Usual length of a workday.")) weekly_hours = models.DecimalField( verbose_name=_(u"weekly hours"), blank=True, null=True, max_digits=5, decimal_places=2, validators=[MinValueValidator(0), MaxValueValidator(168)], help_text=_(u"Usual length of a work week.")) yearly_vacation = models.IntegerField( verbose_name=_(u"yearly vacation quota"), default=25, help_text=_(u"Vacation quota valid in the TimeSheet's period.")) timesheet_interval = models.CharField( verbose_name=_(u"timesheet interval"), choices=TIMESHEET_INTERVALS, max_length=20, default=TIMESHEET_INTERVAL_MONTHLY) day_start_from = models.TimeField( verbose_name=_(u"Daily start time (from)"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_(u"Start every day at earliest at the given time.")) day_start_to = models.TimeField( verbose_name=_(u"Daily start time (to)"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_(u"Start every day at latest at the given time.")) day_end_from = models.TimeField( verbose_name=_(u"Daily end time (from)"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_(u"End every day at earliest at the given time.")) day_end_to = models.TimeField( verbose_name=_(u"Daily end time (to)"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_(u"End every day at latest at the given time.")) class Meta: app_label = 'sandglass' # add dynamic field definitions for weekdays to time model
add_dynamic_fields_for_weekdays(TimeModel) __all__ = ('TimeModel',)

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